11 Back to School Tips for Kids and Parents
As the summer comes winding down, parents around the country are getting their children ready for the upcoming school year. From families that already know what they're doing to young parents sending their kids to school for the first time, this list is for you.
1. Take charge! Visit the School and Classroom
The most important part of ensuring your children’s future is to track their daily activities. On the first day of school, get familiar with the campus and meet their teacher. Having a relationship with the person that will be instructing them will help resolve future problems along the way.
2. Your Child’s Homework is Really Important
Having the children learn to prioritize their activities around homework can help them keep their goals in mind. This can include having their assignment posted on the fridge, or even designating one of one of our nature-inspired Halftoys as a hint for any assignment that needs to be done. For instance, leaving a Lion Halftoy on your children's bedside table would mean they still have homework left in the day!
3. Teach Your Kids Time Management
Speaking of priorities, time management is an important skill that will be useful throughout the rest of your children's lives. In order to be more efficient, have a set amount of time for a homework session. This could mean having 15, 30, or 45 minute windows for your kids to sit down and work through any of their work. Every child is unique and special, so the time window is up to you!
4. Have a Designated Study Area
Work and play is a delicate balance that we all should work to bring into our kids' lives. The most important way to do this is to make sure that only work is allowed in a specific section of the room. Outside of this, the children can be encouraged to let their imagination roam.
5. Give Children a Short Break After Each Assignment
Studies show that children have a typical attention span of 10 minutes. By taking small, frequent breaks along each homework assignment, will ensure that your child gets his or her attention back. Make sure to take no more than a 15 minutes break in between homework assignments though - you risk losing your children out to more play time 😁
6. Be Watchful of Their TV Time
This includes their time playing video games, tablets, laptops, and pretty much everything to do with the television. Excessive play time with the TV can lead to lethargic children, and managing their electronic playtime will give them the balance they need.
7. Set a Consistent Family Bed Time
Coming out of the summer means heading back into a set schedule for the children. By having a reliable bed time, this will set your children’s rhythms up for school as the weeks progress. It is also means less stress to get your little ones ready for school in the morning!
8. Have Healthier Food Options
Your children’s bodies are already filled with youthful energy. Make sure to keep that energy equalized with proper nutrition. This will have an impact on not just their work, but their social and mental fitness as well!
9. Plan to Read with Your Kids Everyday
Research shows that reading excites the part of the brain that is responsible for imagery. Children that read or are read to have a better time grasping concepts, processing language, and have higher brain activity than those that don't participate in reading.
10. Jumpstart your Child’s Creativity
There are a number of ways to get your little ones' creative wheels rolling. The first, is to get specific toys that enhance their learning process. We recommend LearnPlay’s very own T-Rex Halftoy. You can get children to put together this 3D Dinosaur puzzle and learn the names of shapes while you're at it. Another idea is to take your kids to museums and parks on the off days.
11. Choose a Day for Kids to Decide Their Activities
Not only will this teach children responsibility, but also another opportunity to learn about prioritization. Ultimately, these days should serve as a backbone for when managing play time with work time.
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